Scholarships to Study Medicine in Italy


Scholarships to Study Medicine in Italy

The Italian government and other institutional bodies undertake an active effort to make higher education accessible in Italy. Some medical universities offer scholarships to study medicine in Italy. However, these scholarships are very few in number, making them quite competitive. But, applicants should note that even without scholarships, the cost of studying medicine in Italy is low compared to destinations such as the United States or the United Kingdom.

A student’s income level determines tuition at public universities in Italy. The tuition fee for each student varies depending on which income class they belong to. The ISEE (Indicatore di Situazione Economica Equivalente) is an indicative model that is in accordance with their personal financial standing. You can use the INPS website to check if you can avail of this scheme. For those who are ineligible for the same, university exemptions are provided for low-income backgrounds.

Tuition fees at public universities range from USD 3,000 to 4,000 per year. International students studying medicine in Italy (single-cycle courses) can only apply for DSU scholarships and are ineligible for other government scholarships. However, they can avail of university-specific scholarships. 

Private medical universities in Italy charge higher tuition fees than public universities, ranging between USD 16,000 and 22,000. However, these universities offer a number of scholarships to international students to study medicine.

In this article, we will help you navigate both government and university-specific scholarships. Read on to learn more about their eligibility criteria and the amount awarded.

Government Scholarships to Study Medicine in Italy

DSU Scholarship

The scholarship of DSU Toscana offers awardees scholarships that vary in relation to the students’ economic condition. The scholarship is open to students of all levels of study, namely bachelor’s, special/master’s, and research students. Those eligible can get 

  • Free accommodation
  • Free meals at the university dining halls
  • Contribution to expenses (sporting activities, books, and more.)
  • University tuition fees exemption

To be eligible to apply for the scholarship, the student must be enrolled at the Universities of Florence, Pisa, and Siena and other higher institutes and academies of Fine Arts. They can submit their application online via the DSU Toscana website.

Application deadline 6 September for undergraduate, master’s, and single-cycle master’s degree courses
Amount awarded Varies according to the student’s financial standing

Institutional Scholarships to Study Medicine in Italy 

Many Italian medical institutions reward students’ academic achievements by providing scholarships to deserving candidates. These can be offered as a fixed monetary sum, partial tuition fee waivers, or other grants and bursaries. Let us take a look at some specific scholarships offered by the top medical universities in Italy

University of Milan 

The University of Milan Excellence Scholarship

Excellence scholarships are reserved for foreign students enrolled in masters’s programs and single-cycle degrees in Medicine at the University of Milan.

For the first year, students have to meet specific merit requirements. On the basis of this, a 30-point marking criterion is established. Students scoring the highest on this point range will be awarded this scholarship in June of their second year of study. Those scoring less than 21/30 are deemed ineligible. 

Generally, the best 155 applicants can avail of this scheme without having to undergo an official application process. All international students enrolled in the aforementioned programs are considered eligible. 

Application deadline Students should be enrolled in their respective programs by May 
Amount awarded 6,000 EUR for the top 55 candidates, with the right to exemption from the all-inclusive tuition fee

100 total exemptions from the all-inclusive tuition fee

University of Bologna 

Unibo Action 1&2 scholarship programs have ended. The Unibo Action 2 scholarships that have already been assigned can only be renewed for the 2023-24 session.

Collegio Superiore: admission to the University of Bologna’s school of excellence

This program is only open for those who enroll for the very first time in a three-year, master’s, or single-cycle degree course. The selection is based entirely on merit and to establish eligibility, students will need to clear an admission test conducted by the university. This consists of 

  • a preselection with TOLC-I and/or TOLC-SU
  • a written test
  • an oral interview for selected candidates 

Finally, students admitted to the Collegio Superiore can enjoy the following benefits: 

  • 2,650 EUR to cover the costs of living and studying 
  • Tax exemptions for enrollment in study courses (with the exception of stamp duty, insurance costs and regional tax)
  • Accommodation concessions offered in the Collegio Superiore Irnerio residence
  • Tutoring sessions by professors of the University of Bologna
  • Interdisciplinary training 
  • National and international exchanges with other institutes of excellence
  • Active participation in organising the university’s extracurricular cultural activities
Application deadline May, which might sometimes be extended till July 
Amount awarded 2,650 EUR, tax exemptions during enrollment, accommodation concessions + other benefits 

University of Padua 

DIMED scholarship

The University of Padua’s department of medicine (DIMED) offers 1 scholarship worth EUR 6,000 each year. The academic committee of the department determines the eligibility. Students are assessed based on their academic excellence and motivation to study.

Application deadline No specific application deadline. 

Students should just be enrolled in the Laurea of Medicine and Surgery course at the University of Padua. 

Amount awarded 6,000 EUR awarded only once 

Padua International Excellence Scholarship

Under this scheme, 53 scholarships are awarded in total to students enrolled in any English-taught programs at the University of Padua. The scholarship can be availed for a maximum period of 3 continuous years for bachelor’s and single-cycle degree candidates.

There is no separate application process provided interested candidates meet the following eligibility criteria

  • Do not possess Italian citizenship (Italian dual citizenship is permissible)
  • Hold a non-Italian foreign secondary school diploma that is recognized by the university 
  • Do not reside in Italy
Application deadline No specific application deadline. 

Students should just be enrolled in the Laurea of Medicine and Surgery course at the University of Padua and meet the eligibility criteria. 

Amount awarded 8,000 EUR scholarship awarded annually + other fee waivers 

Sapienza University of Rome and the University of Rome Tor Vergata

LazioDisco Scholarships 

International students studying in the Lazio region are entitled to a lot of concessions if they are found eligible. Benefits comprise scholarships, accommodation, fee waivers, and reductions in public transport fees. These can be availed by students of 

  • Sapienza University of Rome 
  • The University of Rome Tor Vergata

Candidates need to log onto the LazioDisco website to provide general information about their degree program, residential details in Rome, and their tax identification code. The ISEE level you fall into will help determine the benefits that will be made available to you. 

Application deadline July 28th
Amount awarded The monetary amount provided can range between 1,780- 7,081 EUR, depending on your ISEE level. 

Vita-Salute San Raffaele University

Benefits for the Right to Higher Education 

Vita-Salute San Raffaele University offers a single scholarship that is open to international students. All applicants should be enrolled at the university in bachelor’s, master’s, single-cycle (medicine), or Ph.D. programs. 

The scholarship is funded by the European Union and offers reductions in tuition and accommodation fees, grants for participation in international exchange programs, and free meals. To be eligible, incoming students should be enrolled in the first year of the mentioned program and hold a high school diploma with 80 or 100 points. For subsequent years, they must achieve minimum ECTS points as set out by the university. The amount of the scholarship depends on the financial status of the applicant. 

The following documents must be submitted along with the online application:

  • Valid identity document 
  • Proof of income 
  • Personal declaration, duly signed by the student 
Application deadline 30th September 
Amount awarded The monetary amount provided can range between 12,168- 24,335 EUR, depending on the ISEE level. 

Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore

UCSC International Scholarship

Non-EU students enrolled in medical courses at the Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore are eligible for the UCSC International Scholarship. It is an annual scholarship awarded to international students to boost their access to medical degree programs. This fee-reduction scholarship covers about 37% of the total tuition cost and is awarded annually until the completion of the course. 

To receive the scholarship throughout the course, students must maintain full-time enrollment status and finish the degree on time. For the academic year 2023/24, the tuition fee applicable to students who receive the UCSC International Scholarship is 5,300 EUR annually.

Application deadline No specific application deadline. 

Candidates must request the UCSC International Scholarship while filling out their online admission application. 

Amount awarded 37% fee reduction amounting to 3,080 EUR

Humanitas University 

For the current academic year, foreign applicants can avail of 2 scholarships to study medicine at Humanitas University. These provide partial funding and amount to EUR 16,000. 

The first 10 students occupying top positions in the Non-EU Entrance Exam Rankings will automatically be considered pre-enrolled for the scholarship. Following this, applicants will be asked to submit a motivation letter and their CV in English The submission of documents will precede an interview.

Based on this, students will be scored out of 1500. Scholarship winners of each academic year are entitled to the renewal of the scholarship in consecutive years if they meet the eligibility requirements and have a credit score of 

  • 52, to be achieved by the end of the first year
  • 107, to be achieved by the end of the second year
  • 159, to be achieved by the end of the third year
  • 222, to be achieved by the end of the fourth year
  • 284, to be achieved by the end of the fifth year
Application deadline May 15th 
Amount awarded 16,000 EUR each, which can be renewed for the subsequent years of study 

UniCamillus University 

UniCamillus University is a private institution dedicated to imparting excellent medical education. The university offers scholarships to motivated non-EU students in the form of ‘loans of honor’. The scholarship is directed towards tuition fees and is either fully or partially covered. A maximum of 30 scholarships are awarded to students enrolled in the six-year single-cycle course in Medicine and Surgery.

However, scholarship recipients are expected to return to their home country and work for at least three years to fully repay this ‘loan of honor’. To avail of this scheme, applicants have to submit an online application form along with the following documents: 

  • Motivational letter 
  • Document proving the financial status of the family
  • High school diploma 
  • Curriculum vitae

 Selected candidates are called in for an interview. Scholarship winners of each academic year are entitled to the renewal of the scholarship in consecutive years if they have an average grade greater than 26/30 and have a credit score of 

  • 46, to be achieved within the first year
  • 86, to be achieved within the second year
  • 149, to be achieved within the third year
  • 205, to be achieved within the fourth year
  • 261, to be achieved within the fifth year
Application deadline March 15th 
Amount awarded Minimum of 7,000 EUR to a maximum of 10,500 EUR annually which can be renewed for the subsequent years of study 


By offering international students scholarships to study medicine in Italy, Italian institutions of higher education attract a diverse blend of talented candidates. The government offers DSU Scholarships to make quality education affordable for all. In addition to this, university-specific scholarships are provided by almost all the top medical colleges in the country. This includes the Excellence Scholarship offered by the University of Milan, the Collegio Superiore Grant by the University of Bologna, tuition fee scholarships by UniCamillus, and more. Even without scholarships, the cost of studying medicine in Italy is low compared to other popular destinations. Plus, tuition fees at public universities are determined by the financial condition of the applicant. Students can visit the INPS website to check their income class and fees. For more information about scholarships and tuition fees to study medicine in Italy, contact Gyanberry at Gyanberry. 

Frequently Asked Questions

The tuition fees for one academic year can range from USD 3000-4,000 at public universities and USD 16,000-20,000 at private universities.

Whether an international student can study for free largely depends on the kind of scholarship that they are eligible to apply for. Some scholarships do cover the entire tuition fee. However, it is best to budget for other living expenses.

Some popular medical universities offering scholarships to international students include Unicamillus university and Humanitas University. These universities offer medical programs in English for international students.